Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Most fatuous government shutdown hostage analogy ever

Reportedly the Democrats are criticizing Republican efforts to fund popular parts of the government as a "release-one-hostage-at-a-time strategy". For a second, let's accept the premise that this is a hostage situation and the hostage taker decides to let a hostage go as a freebie. In what insane world would it be acceptable for the police to force the hostage back into the hostage taker's hands? It certainly isn't this one.

Hostage release negotiation is inherently a take what you can get peacefully first sort of deal. Police negotiators never turn down no-strings-attached hostage releases. The Democrats did, which raises the question of who, actually is holding these programs hostage?


  1. Yes, Harvard law graduates like Ted Cruz and MDs like Rand Paul are noted for their low intelligence.

    I thought you might have a soft spot for Ted Cruz, what with him being born in your neck of the woods. I guess not.

  2. Ah, the smart moron.

    This word, "moron" I do not think it means what you think it means.

  3. I know exactly what "moron" means. It's why I use that word. It describes very well what is happening and the mental state of those who are driving this.

    The law has been passed by the house that refuses to fund it. How dumb is that?
