Sunday, February 3, 2013

Apologies, but this is turning into a diet blog, at least part time

For any of you friends, acquaintances and enemies who actually meet me in the flesh, you already know I am something of a fat fellow. Or as one of the bloggers who I read might put it I'm quite jolly.

No more.

I'm tired of this. I'm resigning from the jolly community and will be tendering my resignation pound by pound through this blog. In between will be interspersed my regular occasional notes on my personal life but for those who hate these things, this is my warning. This is turning into a diet blog because my diet just jumped the queue to fairly high up on my priority list.

One way or another, the fat is going.


  1. There are a million sites to advise you.

    Cheap carbs and sugar are evil that is for sure. High fructose anything is evil, etc etc.

    One thing that may not be obvious is that a pound of muscle will burn about 50 calories a day to maintain it's self. Weight lifting is a very good way to a decent body as the aforementioned 'sweet cycle' is your friend. Convert 10 lbs of fat to muscle and get a 500 calorie a day bonus.

  2. Thanks for the advice. I'm under doctor's care will be following their diet. So far, so good.
