Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pray for us

Biggest blizzard in years, snowed in, our god daughter's getting a liver transplant, and we're going out into the snow to pick up one of the other three kids. Their grandmother can't handle all three for long.

Hopefully the highway's clear because our street is not.


  1. The child getting the transplant makes sense. Praying for your success in getting a kid to lessen inconvenience ... not so much.

    As a Buddhist I understand the need for prayer but I'm pretty sure everyone gets what they deserve so ... deserving better is the only way that seems effective to me.

  2. As usual, you're a class act PenGun.

  3. I've always been fascinated by the 'pray for me' thing. Seems like whining really. In a way it separates you from what's real.

    More class for you.

  4. All intercession is whining so, yes, intercessionary prayer is whining. How that separates you from what's real is something of a puzzle to me.
